At one point, a key fob was mainly a decorative piece. They were treated as plastic decorations that were placed at the end of key ring that could be used to personalize a plain set of keys. The owner could choose one to show support for a preferred sports team or to represent a favorite hobby.
Other key fobs had more practical purposes and could be used as bottle openers, flashlights or compasses. Over time, the key fob evolved into a handy device for allowing remote access to a vehicle. A key fob can be used to lock and unlock a vehicle door, open the trunk, or start the engine. The latter process is called a keyless entry system.
How A Key Fob Works
A key fob uses a rolling code as a security feature so that would-be car thieves cannot just scan the frequency being used. The transmitter’s control chip holds a 40-bit code, and the receiver’s controller chip replicates a 40-bit code. It functions when the code is received.
A pseudo-random number generator is used by the transmitter and the receiver to choose new codes. When a code is selected, it is synchronized between the two parts.
These 40-bit codes can provide about one trillion possible combinations. The system between the transmitter and receiver is programmed in such a way that the receiver will ignore the transmitter once it gets more than 256 incorrect codes. At that point, it will ignore the transmitter and may have to be reprogrammed.
Where To Get A Key Fob Replacement
If a key fob is lost or damaged, it can be difficult to operate a vehicle without it. The key fob should be replaced without delay. There is more than one choice for car owners to turn to when looking for a replacement.
Get In Touch With The Auto Dealer
A fob for a new (or newer) car can be purchased from the dealer where the vehicle was purchased. This may be the more expensive option; however, customers can be confident that the fob provided will be the right one for their car. If the car is used, there are other options for finding a replacement fob.
Purchase A Fob Online
Car owners can buy a fob online. Once the purchase is complete, they will have to re-program it so that they can drive the car. Each vehicle model has a different set of programming instructions, but the first step is usually to insert the key in the ignition and start the car. After that, the driver must perform a series of steps, in sequence, such as locking and unlocking the door, and inserting and removing the key from the ignition a certain number of times.
Contact An Automotive Locksmith
An automotive locksmith can create new or replacement keys for you. ABC Locksmith in Clearwater, FL, offers 24 hour emergency service if your key fob has been lost or stolen. We can even add a keyless entry system for your convenience. Contact us for all your car locksmith needs.